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Antenna Architecture

Antenna system architecture is the overall design and layout of an antenna system, which includes the placement and orientation of antennas, feedlines, and other components. It is an essential consideration for optimizing the performance and reliability of wireless communication networks, such as 5G, IoT, and autonomous vehicles. Factors such as antenna gain, frequency range, and polarization, as well as the physical environment and potential sources of interference, are critical to consider.

Effective antenna system architecture can enhance the clarity and speed of wireless communication, facilitating faster data transfer and clearer signals. It plays a crucial role in a variety of applications, including telecommunications, transportation, and manufacturing. Additionally, optimized antenna systems can help reduce energy consumption, minimize environmental impact, and prevent wasted signals and interference.

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Our troubleshooting methods can intervene throughout the life of a vehicle.

Electromagnetic compatibility: by partnering with our design services at the beginning of the digital development, the car OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) is able to confirm the vehicle's electromagnetic compatibility with antennas (EMC) from early prototypes.



Connectivity problems solving: during the vehicle lifetime, drivers may encounter connectivity problems in the passenger compartment (interference, lack of signal, noise). We are able to solve these faults in order to re-establish effective connectivity within the car. This service is ideally suited for the after-market.


The process of antenna system architecture involves designing the overall structure and framework of an antenna system. This process typically involves a series of steps designed to ensure that the antenna system is optimized for the specific application and environment in which it will be used. Some of the common steps involved in the process of antenna system architecture include:​

Requirements analysis: The first step in the process of antenna system architecture is to conduct a thorough analysis of the requirements for the system. This may include factors such as the frequency band, data rates, coverage area, and other performance criteria.

System design: Once the requirements have been analyzed, the next step is to design the overall structure of the antenna system. This may involve selecting the appropriate antenna type, designing the physical layout of the antennas, and determining the placement of supporting components such as amplifiers or filters.

Integration: The next step in the process of antenna system architecture is to integrate the various components of the system. This may involve designing custom mounting hardware, connecting cables and connectors, and testing the system to ensure that it is functioning properly.

Validation: Once the antenna system has been designed and integrated, the next step is to validate the system's performance. This may involve a range of tests and procedures to ensure that the system is meeting the performance criteria identified in the requirements analysis phase.

Optimization: The final step in the process of antenna system architecture is to optimize the system for maximum performance. This may involve fine-tuning the antenna position or adjusting the system components to ensure that the system is performing optimally.

Architecture process
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