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Pulsaart by AGC


In today’s world, staying connected is not just a luxury; it's a necessity. Yet, passengers often find themselves caught in a connectivity black hole while traveling by train. The cause? Modern trains feature double-glazed windows with metal coatings for optimal thermal insulation. However, this well-intentioned feature also creates a Faraday cage effect, severely disrupting mobile signals and leaving passengers disconnected.


WAVETHRU™ Retrofit addresses this modern-day dilemma. Our cutting-edge glass treatment technology transcends traditional barriers, allowing 4G and 5G signals to permeate train windows effortlessly. By tackling the unintended consequences of thermal insulation, WAVETHRU™ ensures that passengers can enjoy both a comfortable journey and uninterrupted mobile connectivity.

Enhancing Train Connectivity with WAVETHRU™ Retrofit

Convenient solution: our experts perform all works directly at your train depot